Will anyone make it out alive when death comes to the Olympian?
After offering a lift to a pretty girl, Rich finds himself obliged to attend a gathering of her old, rich and very peculiar family and gets caught up in their strange rituals and strained relationships.
When someone dies, people look for the killer in their midst. Tensions boil over as the bodies pile-up and Rich faces suspicion and accusation, but he already has a lot of experience with death and his own ties to the family.
Part 3 of Hannah’s story is now available here and on Short Fiction. If the site stats are to be believed then the first two parts have had close to five thousand views between them. In part 3 Hannah and Jen face difficult times as Hannah starts to want more than Jen alone can offer her. The concluding part of Hannah’s Story will be available soon.
Part 1 of Sinful Submissions Hannah’s Story has now had more than 2,000 views on Short Fiction. Hopefully some people actually made it to the end and weren’t too disappointed that there was some literature getting in the way of the fucking. Part 2 is now available here and on Short Fiction. In this chapter, Hannah and Jen become closer and their love helps them to become stronger.
In November I wrote the first draft of Succour, volume three of Sinful Submissions, but most of the time recently I’ve been working on something from volume two, Succumbing. This is the story of the eponymous Hannah over the course of several decades of her life. Part one has her a shy young student living away from home for the first time. In due course the full story will be available from Amazon, but in the meantime you can find part one here, or on Short Fiction.