A fair few people have read Sinful Submissions now and I’ve had positive feedback on it. I wrote the rough version of the followup late last year and I’ve been editing it since. It’s called Succumbing and will be stylistically very similar to Sinful Submissions, a collection of short stories about a diverse group of people with myriad desires and yearnings including a lot of graphic sexual content and nude drawings. So far I’ve finished a selection of the stories. I’m planning on making some of them available in advance to people that are interested in them. These are the titles of the finished stories:
How distance helped Laura and Richard become closer
How a virgin had many children
How a peasant became grandfather to a lord
How Alastair got his scar
How love changed Lewis
Why Hannah decided she liked cocks
How Lucille became a woman and lost a friend
Which of these titles intrigues you most? Tell me which one you like and you might get to read it.